Small Stakes Poker Sites
1. The lowest stakes games on offer. 2. The number of players frequently active at these limits. 3. How bad the players at these stakes are. 4. The general overall quality of the poker room based on software, traffic and support. Clearly the level of the absolute lowest stakes cash games. SNGs on offer at a poker room is one of the biggest factors. It's not much use signing up to a poker room that doesn't offer SNG games under $5, or cash games under $10NL if you have a $30 bankroll. Even if you intend on playing at slightly higher limits anyway, it's always good to have the flexibility there to move down if needs be.
Furthermore, the website offers loyalty club options that feature 3 different monthly levels: bronze, silver, and gold. Each level requires players to have status points, which are achieved by playing on tables. Climbing through levels, players earn incentives such as cashback options. Last but not least, although Betfair poker provides good entertainment for poker fans, the platform also supports responsible betting and gambling.
There was a website, which I think is now defunct, called Pokertableratings. They started tracking all the poker sites, and publishing everyone’s winnings or losses without their consent. I thought it was ridiculous, a lot of people threatened to sue them. I was pretty pissed off, I don’t want my income known to the world, but people saw that I was making significant sums of money at extremely low stakes. So ironically, that website made me kind of famous in the poker community. My profile became a freakshow full of comments, so I said, “Hey guys, I’ve got my own website, I’m only answering questions there from now on.”
We’ve tried and tested a whole range of online poker sites to see which ones are the best. We found that 888, Full Tilt and PokerStars ticked a lot of the boxes. They each had their own image and personality, but offered their users a host of fantastic games made with reputable software in a safe and secure environment. As well as this, they each have a mobile app so that you can play your favourite games on the go, and offer their players a number of bonuses to help them along the way.
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